MFA Thesis Exhibition 2022
Culver Center of the Arts
April 16, 2022 to May 8, 2022
Opening Reception: Saturday April 16, 2–5 PM
Out from the Dark presents the work of three students graduating from UCR’s Master of Fine Arts program this year: Daniel Arthur Mendoza, Mickey Mackenna, and Alex Delapena. These students join the ranks of MFA graduates from art departments and art schools across Southern California, a region that has become known for transforming its art students into major players on the international art scene. UCR’s distinctive thesis exhibition offers our highly motivated students an off campus, public gallery setting to present an ambitious body of work, cumulating advanced art research and practice into a thesis project. The distinguished full-time faculty in UCR’s Art Department includes Anna Betbeze, John Divola, Jim Isermann, Brandon Lattu, Charles Long, Lynne Marsh, Yunhee Min, and Amir Zaki.